Address List Manager Release History Version 4.45 (08/04/92): Increased the default minimum memory save amount from 32k to 50k, to allow shelling to DOS in DOS 5.0. In tight memory situations, this may decrease the maximum number of records slightly. If you use the /m32 switch, it will be exactly as in previous versions. Bug fix: Corrected a keyboard incompatibility problem which affected the numeric keys on some keyboards. Bug fix: The "Keep Changes" prompt is now fully erased after you respond to it. Corrected an embarrassing bug in the documentation - the author's ZIP code was wrong! Added some assorted files to the archive, and switched to a self-extracting distribution archive format. Version 4.44 (12/28/91): Bug fix: Eliminated a strange quirk in version 4.43 that didn't properly initialize the setup file name and extension in unregistered copies only. Registered users do not need to upgrade to this version. Version 4.43 (12/20/91): Added word-left and word-right keys to the editor. Added a post-print string, and renamed the setup string to the pre-print string. Changed warning and error message displays, and a few other screen displays. If you choose a disk file as your printer output device, and that file already exists, the new output will be added onto the existing file. Previous versions would overwrite the old output file. You may stop printing at the pause prompt during multiple envelope printing by pressing Escape, as in the rest of the program. A registration program, REGISTER.EXE, is now included in the distribution archive. This allows registered users to personalize their copy and remove the shareware reminders, eliminating the need for a separate registered copy. Bug fix: On some machines, previous ALM versions could lock up when attempting to send a pre-print (setup) string to the printer if the printer was unavailable. ALM now checks the printer status before attempting to send any data to it, and returns an immediate error message if there's a problem. Bug fix: Loading a setup file that doesn't have a pre-print (setup) string now properly clears the previous string. Version 4.42 (12/04/90): Added support for Tab and Shift-Tab keys. Version 4.41 (11/23/90): Changed directory access. Drive and directory are now entered together, file listing may be displayed for any directory. Bug fix: Eliminated bug that crashed the program if user attempted to access an empty drive or a drive with an unformatted disk in it. Version 4.40: Not publicly released. Version 4.3x (10/21/90): First publicly released shareware version.